February 22
2025 Season Opener
February 22 - 2025 Season Opener - 8:00AM -
Borrego Springs provides a window into the migration patterns of Swainson's Hawks. Swainson's Hawks spend winter in Mexico, Columbia, and other parts of South America, primarily in Argentina. In early to mid-February, the first Swainson’s Hawks arrive in the Borrego Valley from Mexico. As the season progresses, the hawks arrive from Columbia and, finally, in April, from Argentina. The journey from Argentina is over 6,000 miles.
The Borrego Hawkwatch
The Borrego Hawkwatch is a group of dedicated volunteers (Citizen Scientists) who are engaged in a study of migrating spring raptors through Southern California. We share the wonders of the migration of one of the most beautiful and interesting hawks in North America: The Swainson’s Hawks. From mid-February through March and sometimes into April, we join together to observe, count, and gather data concerning the migration of hawks through the Borrego Valley.
The majority of raptors observed are Swainson’s Hawk and Turkey Vultures. Nine other species of raptors have been observed.
Did you know?
The Borrego Hawkwatch is one of only two official hawkwatches in California! The other is San Francisco.
The Borrego Hawkwatch is the ONLY springtime Hawkwatch in the state.
The Borrego Hawkwatch has one of the largest spring concentrations of migrating Swainson’s Hawks in North America.
Each day of the Hawkwatch, we collect data that are sent to the Hawk Migration Association of North America (HMA).