Hawk Viewing locations
The MORNING WATCH SITE is the OFFICIAL COUNT site. It is located 2.8 miles north on DiGiorgio Road on a raised sand mound. Every day during the hawkwatch season, a leader is stationed here from 8:00am until 11:00am.
The EVENING WATCH SITE is located 1.8 miles north on Borrego Valley Road on a small dune. Incoming hawks are monitored here an hour before sundown until dark.
Why Borrego Springs?
The Borrego Valley is a unique staging area for migrating Swainson’s Hawks. In season, a steady stream of hawks enter the valley in the evening to roost, spending the night. In the morning, if food is available (flying ants, caterpillars, or grasshoppers), the hawks will feed before departing the valley, migrating north through Coyote Canyon, on the way to breeding grounds, some as far away as Alaska.