HAWK ALERT is a documentary film that follows Biologist Hal Cohen (Hawk Guy), and his band of citizen scientists during the spring migration of the Swainson’s Hawk. The group strives to educate a new generation of “Hawksters” to carry on their passion, but climate change, aging, and Mother Nature herself create obstacles that threaten their legacy.

HAWK ALERT is an exploration of passion, science, and community– all while revealing the commitment of individuals who give everything to understand the unknown while uniting people through education.

Habitat is a big issue for the Swainson’s Hawk, and we need to watch it
— Peter Bloom, Bloom Biological

“Awareness leads to protection, Protection leads to
conservation, and conservation leads to a healthy planet”

— Hal Cohen, Founder Borrego Valley Hawkwatch

There’s a lot of things going on over our heads. You just have to look up.
— Kashmir Wolf, “River of Raptors” VeraCruz Mexico


Anyone can make change.

New species of flora, ancient fossils, and even a planet, have all been discoveries of citizen scientists. When the public conducts valuable research, they create opportunities for positive change within our environment.  The Borrego Valley Hawkwatch is the only spring hawk watch in California and it tracks the Swainson’s Hawks during their annual migration. The reporting data dates back to the 1950’s and has increased knowledge about the raptors behaviors. However, climate change and industrial energy development are now threatening the hawk’s journey. Seeing how a group of eclectic people overcome obstacles in order to protect the environment offers hope for us all. 

HAWK ALERT educates people on the power of observation and involvement to create change.